Gerd Sorg, music director and composer
At the age of 21 he took over his first choir and since 1962 he is professional conductor of famous choirs in NRW. At the age of 23 he got member of the Fachverband Deutscher Berufschorleiter where he was also involved in the board of management for several years. In 1972, Gerd Sorg was awarded the title Musikdirektor FDB after the appointment to Chordirektor ADC by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Chorverbände one year before.
Between 1964 and 1986 he practised as music teacher at the secondary school in Velbert-Neviges.
Gerd Sorg has conducted great choral and orchestra concerts, e. g. in the Mercartorhalle Duisburg, Oetkerhalle Bielefeld, in the Saalbau Essen, the Konzertaula Kamen as well as in the Gewandhaus Leipzig. He performed unforgettable spiritual concerts with his choirs in famous domes and cathedrals. Concert tours led him to Hungary, Italy, Benelux, France, Great Britain/Wales, Czech Rep., USA, Canada as well as to Russia.
As composer his works are performed by well known choirs and ensembles, national and international, in concerts and at competitions. In Moscow, several of his pieces were included into a music-textbook for children. The famous vocal ensemble ALEKO from St. Petersburg, produced his "Ave Maria" on CD. The children’s and youth choir of the Philharmonie Dresden won 1st prizes with works of Gerd Sorg. CD-broadcasting productions were created and are still made (e. g. in Canada, Kasachstan, Latvia, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Austria, Sweden and Switzerland). The CD "Gerd Sorg - ein Komponistenportrait" was produced by the Jugendkantorei Hösel (2nd winner at the Palestrina- and Orlando di Lasso competition in Rome and Camerino/Italy in 2000/2003 as well as winner of the Musica-Sacra-choral competition in Prag 2001).
Compositions of Gerd Sorg were awarded with prizes at competitions in Solingen, Paris, Saarbrücken, Munich, at the Landeschorverband Sachsen-Anhalt and the Pfälzischer Sängerbund. Since 1989 Gerd Sorg acts as editor of the Bergischer Musikverlag Erwin P. Becker in Solingen and since 2000 also editor of the Gomesia-Verlage in Hamm. He is member of the Fachverband Deutscher Berufschorleiter, Deutscher Komponistenverband, Duisburger Universitäts-Gesellschaft and full member of the GEMA.